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SGF stand

The Scottish Gardeners’ Forum exists to provide the communication link between Scotland’s many horticulturally-oriented organisations, more than a hundred of which are members.

We encourage the exchange of ideas and information and promote excellence in all aspects of gardening and horticulture.

One of our concerns is that individual clubs should flourish in their local context, benefiting from the experience of the SGF as a whole, and in turn responding to the requests for information from other members.

The Forum’s objectives as expressed in its Constitution are:
to advance education in the knowledge and best practice of all aspects of gardening and horticulture for the public benefit in Scotland.
• to foster co-operation among general and specialist Horticultural and Gardening Societies/ Clubs/ Associations/ Branches /Friends for their mutual benefit.
• to encourage the retention and development of existing and new Societies.
• to provide a voice for the non-professional sector of gardening in Scotland.
• to interact with other oganisations representing and promoting gardening and related activities in Scotland.

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